

For three years, Erik Hagman have visited and photographed places in Stockholm's suburbs. The background is the city's transformation, following a decision that 140,000 new homes will be built between 2010 and 2030.


A Whisper and Three Trembeling Shadows

”A Whisper and three trembling ” is an ongoing collaboration between Magali Cunico and Erik Hagman. The piece consists of a tent that acts as a Camera Obscura and a sound work recorded at a meadow.


Three representations of Meadow

Three representations of meadow - revolves around three places that have in common that they are or previously were, maintained meadow land.



Energy Conversion is the process where energy provided by nature gets transformed into the form of energy that humans can use.


After Before

In September 2000, I was living next to East River overlooking Manhattan, in Dumbo, Brooklyn. One evening I decided to photograph the Twin Towers, which I had not done before.


Artificial Landscapes

My degree project from HFF, University of Gothenburg - Artificial Landscapes deals with the eye, the camera, and the car.